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Posted by on 2014 Mar 15 |

Ghosts in the Darkness

The creaking of planks,  the delicate wash of the waves over the hull, the smell of salt and sea air permeating everywhere, down deep into my bones.

These are the things I recall from my journey aboard the Gleaming Shark.

As the magess wrapped the rope about my waist, I took a deep, and solemn, breath. Did I truly trust my companions, as I went overboard in search of riches?  Would they, in fact, haul me in in time?  Or would my soul be forever trapped beneath the inky blackness of the Reshalian Sea?  The green line twined it’s way around my waist, secured tightly by a sheepshank knot.  Where did that pretty young girl learn to tie a knot like that?

Taking another breath, I walked to the edge of the deck, whispered a short prayer to Damaris, and stepped away, into the waiting abyss…