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Posted by on 2003 Jun 17 |

The Gemstone Murders

(Crossing, Zoluren, 372) The Gemstone Murders, as so named by a local reporter named Skandle, are a macabre and vicious intrusion into our lives. This document is an attempt to regroup all the current. Its sources include my first hand knowledge, input from Empath Paschein, Paladin Candidus, and several other notable resources from local inquiries.It begins with the mound of decaying animal corpses near the Dark Abbey of the Dirge region, although there are reports of another such sighting of animal corpses in the Riverhaven area that I don’t have verification of.

Heralded by an invasion of Sun Vultures, Snaer Hafwas, and Scavenger Trolls, the mound was discovered near the bloodstained monolith near the aforementioned Dark Abbey. It is reported to have been an oddly shaped pile, and touching it gave one the most awful nerve poison. Those who were there saw it as if they were arranged in an almost ritualistic manner, making it hard to distinguish various animals in that grotesque array of decay. Some animals appeared to have been painstakingly sliced up, with others bore crude slashes along what remains of their limbs. A scroll, stained with blood, had been carefully laid atop the bodies.

Reading it gave this:

“Whither thou goest, I go. Behold the fire in my soul, for it weeps for thee.”

Next was the corpse in Arthe Dale, its assistance discovered with the help of one Seamstress Claranna, whose role in these events is not wholly understood.

This body appeared thusly to viewers… Despite being badly mutilated and significantly decayed, the body appears to have been laid out on the ground with careful attention. Its jawline and slightness belies a femininity to the figure, though the condition of the face makes it hard to be completely sure of its gender. Embedded into its forehead is a single, flawless ruby. Pinned to its tattered robe is a small scroll stained with dried blood.

This one read:

Aimless though I roam the ways, the final song you sing betrays;

But a little while later comes a Prydaen body, on the Northern Trade Route near Riverhaven:

A cursory glance at this corpse indicates that it is at an extremely advanced stage of decay. Shredded and drying fur barely covers the now exposed bones on the Prydaen’s face. A deep gaping hole in the back of the head suggests the cause of death. Wrapped in a coarse cotton sheet and laid out with precise attention, the corpse holds in its bony left hand a crumpled scroll. Embedded in the empty right eye socket is a brilliant emerald.

Reading the scroll gave this:

Heart to mine you did confine, in endless smiles I drew a line;

And next, closer to the Crossing’s Northeastern Gate, an Elf in utter ruin: The body’s disfigured form has been laid on a simple cotton sheet, its hands positioned to rest over its chest in an apparent ceremonial fashion. While its specific features are too decayed to immediately identify it, the pointed ears and lithe form indicate it was an Elf. Its heart appears to have been ripped out of a grotesquely gaping hole in its chest. A small, tattered scroll is clenched in the body’s right hand, while a small aquamarine gem has been embedded into what remains of its left eyebrow.

This scroll spoke so:

Your blood now weeps upon my brow, this pain you feel I do allow;

And finally, as far as corpses go…a Kaldar discovered in the Shrine of Ushnish:

The body appears carefully laid out on a sheet of bloodstained burlap. The body has decayed to the point that the stretched and drying skin is
splitting to reveal the prominent bones underneath. Grotesque in its decomposition, the body is almost unrecognizable, although its general size and physique suggests a Kaldaran male. A huge chunk of onyx has been embedded into one outstretched palm and a tattered scroll has been inserted between the fingers of its other hand.

This scroll had the image of a unicorn imprinted upon it, although we are not sure of any markings upon other scrolls:

Sleep ever more upon this grave, a pure soul now does help me pray.

It has been suggested that these corpses, not only representative of each race, could also be representative of each guild. Of course this is not a substantive theory, but it makes for interesting speculation. However, speculation is all that we have at this time.

Furthermore, there have been two lines to this morbid poem that were discovered without the need for murder. The first of these two came to me personally one evening shortly after I had awoken. It was pressed into my hand by a person whom I never saw. A soft swish of robes were my only clue, and I’m afraid finding a person in robes in Zoluren is like finding a specific cat in a cheese shop that’s giving out free samples.

It read thusly, this small, bloodstained parchment scroll:

“First to tumble gives me leave, thoughtful now you stare at me;”

Well, frankly, I don’t know either.

The other was discovered a few days later, written –more like scratched– upon a marker that was placed in the Town Green of Crossing. It read:

“My hands caress to take your shame; The taint will fade as will your pain.”

While the Guild Leader of the Paladins, Darius, and a Special Envoy Athiana from Therengia have been hard upon the case (when not glancing adoringly at one another), I fear that there have been no real breaks in the case thus far. Shortly after they began to step up their investigation, the Bard Ailyssa fell to murder by foul means when she was alone in Arthe Dale. While no scroll was left, and we cannot be completely sure it was related, I feel it certainly was. What it means, we cannot yet know.

At this time, the investigation is at a standstill, with no new events to report or investigate. The Seamstress Claranna, who seems to have some knowledge about these matters has taken to ground, and has not been seen in some time. We lack the final keys to the riddle.

I hope for a fruitful resolution to this matter. But until it comes, keep safe as you walk our streets.